Tiana Bugyra
Grow with BTY
I joined the BTY team on the Admin team as a foot in the door following university.
The role presented a great opportunity to learn about an industry entirely new to me. The team was very welcoming at every level and within every department. When the leadership team found out I was doing a graduate program in Human Resources’ Management, they offered me the opportunity to take on the first internal HR role within the Company.
After two years, I became BTY’s first HR Coordinator. I primarily support Canada, but also help out with the United States, Ireland, United Kingdom and Turkey. I am grateful for the exposure and challenges I face on a daily basis with BTY. Every day is learning curve for me as the role – as well as the department itself – is new to BTY and all our staff. The company’s HR Consultant and members of the leadership team, especially the COO and Regional Lead, provide daily support and guidance – with ample resources to respond to HR queries and issues. Even though my position is not part our core services, I believe my story is a perfect example of how BTY provides opportunities and support for taking the next step in your career.